Reverse Conveyor(输送机反向)
As you can see from the picture, there are 6 cells which is connected with conveyors.
All of 6 cells operate same process. So a part moves into one of cells.
The process is as below; 操作流程如下:
- One part moves to the cell 部件移动到单元格
- Implement operation in the cell 实现单元中的操作
- Move back to the main conveyor 回到主输送带
- Move out 移出
I’ve try to attach Two Way Conveyor and Inline Process。我已经尝试附加双向传送带和内嵌过程。
And I’ve changed the end frame position of Inline Process to the start frame。我已经将内联进程的结束帧的位置更改为开始帧。
But the PNP connection is not working for the end frame.但是PNP连接对端帧不起作用。
So the parts disappear while turning back to the Tow Way Conveyor.所以当转向牵引式输送机时,零件就消失了。
Is there a good method?[淘]有好的方法吗?[巴]
Please help me.请帮助我[文]。
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