- 图片测量工具使用帮助
- 因网站的PHP版本升级原来的程序无法试用,给大家造成困扰表示道歉,如果你还不能试用,请在本页下载,重新运行,原来已注册的可以继续使用不受影响 2025.2.23日更新...
2021-04-22 -
- 可视化组件未处理的异常初始化
- I have a problem with kuka sim 4.0. After I have made some positions in Program and want to play it...
2021-08-06 visual Component -
- 2D drawing line issue(2D绘图线问题)
- Hey everyone I started having a weird issue when trying to make drawings that I never had before and...
2021-08-05 -
- Visualcomponet Wrapper Error包装错误
- Hi, For some days I have been struggling with the Wrapper that I downloaded form Visual Compone...
2021-08-05 visual Component -
- 不能提起组件
- arian Dec '20 hi guys, i’m currently programming the gripper...
2021-08-03 visual Component -
- create vehicle创建小车
- 第一步、创建新的组件 修改名称 保存组件 第二步、从行为里添加小车和python脚本 from vcScript import * def OnRun(): &nb...
2021-04-22 visual Component -
- vcSimVehicle用法
- vcSimVehicle允许您将组件模拟为移动的车辆 Inherits: vcBehaviour vcSimVehicle对象应该位于组件的根节点中。设置了速度、加减速因子后,vcSimVehic...
2021-04-22 visual Component -
- Resource Approach Location
- Resource Approach Location 一定要Attach到Works Process才有效; ID设置为Approach,AGV/其他Mobile 会先到Resource...
2021-04-16 visual Component -
- VC AGV Idle Location
- AGV Idle Location :AGV休息位置 AreaWidth ...
2021-04-15 visual Component -
- 控制Delta机器人
- 1、获取对象:robot,conveyor 2、等待物料到达传感器位置 3、获取物料列,过滤filter已抓取的part 4、pop 一个物料 5、抓取物料,并将该物料放入已抓...
2021-04-09 visual Component -
- 机器人码垛操作
- 对机器人码垛操作步骤 1、获得机器人对象getRobot() 2、将机器人输出信号设置为零SignalMapOut, 3、获取传感器输送带findComponent("Senso...